
ad lunatic asylum 1852-1902


Originally built to be a laundry.  In the mid 1920’s it was converted into a Nurses’ Cottage.  In 1954 it became a sewing room and occupational therapy centre to which latter purpose it is now solely used.

Classified with National Trust and on the Register of State Heritage Items.

Built by:           William KING Jnr

Age:                 1879

Cost:                £503

Alterations:      The 3 feet high white picket fence enclosing the building was removed in the 1960’s.


Built originally as a patient dining room complex and kitchen building.  It was known as “Men’s No. 1 Dining Room” until the early 1970’s when it was changed to the “C1 C2 and P1, P2, P3 Ward Dining Rooms”.  It was renovated for its current use in 1977.

On the Register of State Heritage Items.

Built by:                         Joseph NOTTLE
Age:                               Contract let 5th May, 1884.
Cost:                              £778

Alterations                   In 1977 a mezzanine floor and air-conditioning was installed and the building completely refurbished.


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